Eastern Guruma Pty Ltd is a civil and mining contractor that is 100% owned by members of the traditional owner group, Eastern Guruma (EG) which surrounds Tom Price in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Eastern Guruma is an Australian proprietary company, limited by shares. Eastern Guruma represents the interests of the traditional custodians of the Guruma Mali Wartu Aboriginal Corporation and the “native title” land area of about 6,774 km2 located 40 kms north of Paraburdoo, Western Australia.
Karlayura Group is a proudly 100% Aboriginal owned profit-for-purpose business 100% owned by the traditional owners of the Nyiyaparli and Banyjima country. Karlayura Group is an Australian proprietary company, limited by shares. Karlayura Group exists to get ‘family’ back on country, reserve Aboriginal cultural traditions and develop strong and self-sustaining communities. Karlayura Group represents the interests of the traditional custodians of the Nyiyaparli Aboriginal Corporation and the “native title” land area centred on Newman, Western Australia.
Today, Friday 11th June 2021, Eastern Guruma and Karlayura Group entered into, a Heads of Agreement through which to establish an Incorporated Joint Venture entity to deliver synergies in mutually beneficial and complimentary cultural and business opportunities within their respective native title areas.
Jointly, Eastern Guruma and Karlayura Group have mutual intent to: